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How To Create A Social Networking Site Like Facebook From Scratch?[Infographic]

How To Create A Social Networking Site Like Facebook How To Create A Social Networking Site Like Facebook

Your network is your net worth, You will get only advantages if you create a social networking website. Also, you will be building a powerful community of like-minded people.

Do you want to be a thriving and innovative digital entrepreneur like Mark Zuckerberg?

We know you have a deep desire inside your heart and also have an idea to make a branded social networking website like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

But, you are lacking in making a perfect actionable plan.

Yes, it is a bit hard when you start building something creative, especially a branded, full-featured website that requires much more investment, coding work, and technical knowledge.

But, don’t worry. Here in this guide, we are going to create a social networking website that will attract millions of visitors and also generate a good amount of revenue. 

So, without any further delay: let’s create a community-based website without hiring any team of developers.

What Is Facebook, Myspace, Orkut?

Facebook, Myspace, and Orkut are social networking platforms or websites that help you to connect with a person online nationally and internationally.

Normally, all these platforms were started targeting college students to connect themselves easily.

However, at this present moment, from a teenager to mature people, everyone is using and utilizing all these social media sites.


Facebook is currently the number one social media website, having more than 2.9 billion active monthly users. Yes, it is the current state of 2022.

facebook com Traffic Analytics Market Share Similarweb 1 facebook com Traffic Analytics Market Share Similarweb 1
Here is a Stat from 

Here is a Stat from 

Presently, Facebook is the Lion King in the world of social media. It not only lets you share photos and images, but you can share short videos, long videos, stories, etc.

Even, you can do social media marketing through Facebook pages and Facebook groups.

My space

The first social networking site that made a global reach before Facebook. Yes, you have read it right. It was launched on 1st August 2003.

In spite of its massive appearance across the globe, it failed to become Facebook. Now it is only social networking websites, particularly for artists like bands and musicians.  


Orkut was a similar social networking website to Facebook, MySpace. We can’t use “YES” because it was completely shut down by Google in 2014. The main reason was Facebook.

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LinkedIn is a business, job, startup, finance-related social networking website that was discovered in 2002.

Yes, it is also one of the best social networking websites.

But, it is normally used for professional work like finding a dream job or internship, making powerful networking for your business.

Even, you can connect to any professional person to learn any skills in order to grow your career.


Twitter is a social networking site that is mainly used to share our thoughts through text, images, and videos to a massive community.

Unlike other social networking websites, Twitter is a communication platform

The primary difference between Facebook and Twitter is that Facebook is an online, social networking site.

And, it lets one person connect with another through different options like Facebook group, Facebook page, Facebook feed, and friend requests.

Rather, Twitter is based on sharing messages, quotes, opinions, comments, and responding through text messages.

Instagram and Pinterest 

How to start and build a platform like Facebook?

Instagram, Pinterest is a visual content sharing, a social networking site where people across the world share their stories, photos, and videos like IG TV, Short, etc. 

Unlike Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, you will only find images, stats, infographics, charts, diagrams, short slides, and video-based content because Pinterest and Instagram don’t rely on text content, only visual content. 

Start your #social_site and make revenue.😀

What Are The Best Social Networking Websites in 2022?

At this moment you will find thousands of social networking websites, here we are going to mention some popular websites.

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  1. Facebook.
  2. YouTube.
  3. WhatsApp. 
  4. Snapchat. 
  5. Instagram.
  6. Reddit.
  7. Pinterest. 
  8. My space.
  9. Tumblr. 
  10. Google Plus.
  11. Facebook Messenger.
  12. Mewe.
  13. Quora.
  14. Telegram. 
  15. Skype.

Why Create A Social Networking Website Like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram?

We have already mentioned above that there are lots of opportunities, and they will be forever until online users are alive.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest are totally different from each other.

That is why every single platform is popular and the users are so attracted to those individuals. 

  • Twitter is normally used for business purposes.
  • Instagram is popular among teenagers.
  • Facebook’s pages are normally used for paid advertisement.
  • YouTube is popular among adults and learners.
  • Those who are highly educated use the LinkedIn website for jobs alert.
  • Quora and Reddit are favorite sites for professionals in every field. 

As a single social website, it can’t fulfill the needs and requirements of every user.

That is the time when you can come up with an idea to create your own social networking website.  

Don’t worry about monetization because there are unlimited ways to generate revenues:

  • Organic traffic.
  • Backlink.
  • Guest posting.
  • Affiliate marketing.
  • Ad. 
  • Selling your own product. 

What Are The Advantages That A Social Media Website Provides?


Warren Buffett

When it comes to creating something online, there are unlimited opportunities because the internet is spreading massively.

People are facing new problems, and they are looking for new ways to find solutions.

At this moment, you need some observation power and creativity.

You can come up with a social networking website where there will be unlimited features by which anyone can get solutions just like Quora, Reddit, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. 

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Let’s learn about the benefits that are social media sites can provide

7 Benefits Of Creating A Social Media Site:

How to create a website like Orkut in India?

Finding Like-minded People:

Social media sites provide unlimited information about any topic.

You can look through and follow different social media pages, and groups where you can find unlimited stats, and information about the topic you are interested in.

Besides, you can connect with people who are also interested in the same topics. This is how you can make friends.

Finding Dream Jobs:

With a platform like LinkedIn where you can get regular job alerts related to your field.

All you have to do is just submit some personal information, your interest, and your skills.

If you start producing great content and make a good connection to the groups, these kinds of websites will be very beneficial to finding jobs.

Start your #social_site and make revenue.😀

Visual Content:

Text and quote-based content are totally boring, and most people are visual learners because it makes them remember anything easily through visual content like images, stats, photography, short, and long videos.

Few social networking websites like Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube are based on visual content that makes content much more engaging than other sites.

Learn from the Professionals:

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There is some question answering websites like Quora, and Reddit where you can submit any problem, doubts, questions, and issues for the answers and solutions.

Getting and reply from professionals from these Q&A sites is a piece of cake.

Just visit one of these websites, and you will see there are a thousand answers to a single question.

Brand Building:

How much does it cost to build a website like Twitter, or Pinterest?

When someone starts their own business, it is very hard to reach every customer.

At this time, business owners use this kind of platform to spread their brand.

Facebook pages, Pinterest, and YouTube are one of those social media websites that can be utilized for attracting customers at the beginning.

Educational Content:

When it comes to learning something new or enhancing our skills online, there are unlimited platforms and websites that can be game-changer.

Websites like YouTube, Pinterest, and Medium provide informative, valuable, educational content. From here you can learn any skills such as:

  • Programming.
  • Web designing.
  • Editing. 
  • Science
  • language.
  • Art.
  • Literature. 
  • Photography.
  • Communication.

Social Traffic For Your Website:

After launching your website on Google, it is very hard to get traffic.

At this time, you can take advantage of social networking websites. Especially some question-answer websites like Quora, Reddit, LinkedIn, and Twitter.


Every single business owner promotes their business through advertisements. The main reason is that from a teenager to a mature person, everyone is on the internet.

So, it is very easy to attract customers.

You may have seen some advertisements for different companies on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or other social sites.

They try to reach every customer by promoting their brand through paid advertisement.

Types of Social Networking Websites?

Look, there are normally two kinds of social media websites 

  • Sites that share ideas, news, and life experiences around the world like Twitter, Quora, Reddit, etc.
  • Sites that are being used for sharing visual content like photos, infographics, thumbnails, stats, videos, short stories like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.
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How To Create A Social Networking Website Like Pinterest 2022?

How to code a social media website?

Now we are going to create two kinds of social media websites :

  1. Text and news-based social websites.
  2. Visual content-based social websites.

Yes, it will be hard if you start building any kind of social media website through coding and development.

What Technology Is Required To Create A Social Networking site Like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest?

When you are a full stack web developer you can create any type of website eCommerce, website, business website, personal website, blog website, video sharing site, etc.

As Front End language [Scripting Language]

  • HTML
  • CSS 
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery

As Back End Language [Programming Language]

  • PHP
  • Java
  • Python
  • Bootstrap

To create a website manually by writing every single code will take at least 4 months. Also, it requires lots of investment at the beginning.

It can take a minimum of $30,000 to $50,000, and it totally depends on the features you want on your own social networking website

But, if you don’t have any coding experience, still it’s not a big thing. There is an easier way to build a website. 

How much would it cost to build a social networking website like Facebook?

You don’t have to make a team of professional developers. Even, you don’t need to invest a lot. Just choose WordPress as a CMS platform.

You need

  • Around $60 for WordPress hosting.
  • A free CMS platform, WordPress.
  • $60 for a perfect social networking website theme, and template.
  • Page builder: free.
  • SEO plugins: free

Let’s create a social networking website with WordPress 

How to Create Your own Social Networking Website Like LinkedIn, Twitter With WordPress?

First of all, we want to make it clear we are not going to write any single code. Even, we are not going to hire any developers.

There are simply 7 steps that we are going to follow.

How can I create my own social networking site in 2022?
  1. Make An Idea.
  2. Target Your Audience.
  3. Brand Building.
  4. Domain and Hosting.
  5. WordPress.
  6. Social Networking Theme & Templates.
  7. Page Builder.
  8. SEO Plugins.
  9. Customization

How to Create a Website like Facebook, Myspace, Orkut, etc.?

1. Make An Idea:

Before taking any action, you have to create a blueprint of the steps you are going to follow. Just these questions to yourself :

  • How many features do I want on my social media website?
  • Which is your target audience?
  • What value are you going to offer to your audience?
  • How am I going to make my website like a brand?
  • How Will I attract visitors?
  • In which niche will my website be built?
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2. Target Your Audience And Niche

Now, the next step is finding your targeted audience because when you know who is going to use your website it gets easier to engage your audience.

For example, if you target teenagers, the type of content will be different.

If you target professionals, the content will be skill or education-based.

It also depends on your interest, in which category or field you are interested.

Why are we saying this? Just because category, niche-wise, your website contains features.

3. Brand Building:

After making a plan and targeting your audience, the next step is building a brand. 

According to digital marketers: if you are not building your brand, you are not doing any serious business.

How to build a brand?

  • Think of a domain name for your website.
  • Create a unique logo.
  • Think of a tagline
  • Reach out to your audience and let them know why your product exists.

4. Domain & Hosting:

how to create your own social network like instagram?

As I told you, a catchy, unique name makes your website branded.

The visitors remember your website but its name, that is why it is one of the most important steps.

We recommend Bluehost domain registered companies.

They provide amazing professional domains at a reasonable price. 

Hosting is a server, a computer where you can upload your website’s content like text images, graphics, and videos in order to make them accessible to the visitors.

We recommend Bluehost Hosting company. They provide stunning shared hostings.

If you choose their premium plans, you will get a free .com domain. Isn’t it great?

Start your #social_site and make revenue.😀

5. WordPress: the best technology to build social networking site:

First of all, you need a platform to build a website. In this 20th century, bullying a website is not rocket science.

There are unlimited website builders available absolutely for free if you select a perfect web hosting.

You have to be a long-term thinker while selecting a CMS platform, Continent Management System because it will be with you until or unless you are managing a website.

It is a must-have thing. So let’s learn more clearly about a website builder.

What Is A Website Builder, CNS Platform?

Yes, it is software that makes your website building journey easy.

Even, there are no requirements for writing any code or doing any technical things. But, which software is the best as a CMS platform:

Best Website Builder platform:

  • Squarespace.
  • Drupal.
  • Magneto.
  • Joomla.
Build A Social Networking Website Like Facebook 2 Build A Social Networking Website Like Facebook 2

What is the Best Website Builder for Creating A Social Networking Website Like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter?

We recommend WordPress as a website builder because it is a handy tool and around 40% of website owners use it.

But don’t get confused between and WordPress org They are different in terms of the monetization and ownership 

WordPress org offers every single thing you need

What is

WordPress org is a website builder, a CMS platform also called a content management system by which you can create and customize your website on the Internet without writing any single code.

It is easily adaptable and beginner-friendly.

It is absolutely free, easy to customize, and offers full freedom of controlling your website

 There are unlimited pre-built themes, plugins, and developers. Their support is also quite good.

Benefits of WordPress 

  • It provides multiple features for managing websites.
  • Offers unlimited free themes, Plugins.
  • Building any type of website is easy from eCommerce, blogs, and personal to social media sites.
  • Pre-built themes and templates.
  • Amazing developer support.
  • Requires zero technical work.

6. WordPress Theme:

If you choose an SEO friendly, multi-featured, lightweight theme, it will completely change the look and feel of your website.

What is the best wordpress theme for creating a visual social networking website like Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram?

Look, there are unlimited free and premium themes on the WordPress theme directory and marketplace. You cannot select any of them randomly. 

Here, we are going to share the best premium themes that will make your social networking site exactly like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.  

Page Builder:

Page builder lets you customize any part of your website, you can add any feature or templates to your site in order to make your site more engaging for the users.

There are amazing page builders on the internet.

But not every builder is beginner-friendly. But this one is not.

Elementor is like a jewel in the crown. It is so popular that non-coder to professional coders uses that for designing their website. 

Moreover, they offer pre-built templates for the homepage, landing page, 404 pages, etc.


Sometimes your theme does not come with certain features that you want separately for your website. 

To add custom design and features you need to write HTML, CSS, and PHP codes inside your theme files.

As a non-developer, you cannot do that easily. But there is a solution 

  • A Child theme.
Read more about the child themes from our separate guide.
  • Custom CSS plugins.
Read more about custom CSS plugins from our guide

7. SEO Plugin:

When you launch a website on Google, it is very hard to get traffic because Google doesn’t trust you. Even, users won’t be able to reach your website because of low authority.

At the time, if you do SEO and proper optimization, your keywords got the full potential of ranking on Google.

This very website,,  got its full capability within 40 days. You can check my few blog posts. 

Those posts were posted just a few weeks ago. Now they are ranking on Google’s first page. Even, in the top 7.

Within 2 months, we start getting a good amount of organic traffic from Google and Bing.

Is there a chance of Facebook dying, just like Orkut did?

Never, It will never happen. Facebook is one of the most powerful brands in this world. They are tremendously spreading their network. Even, they own Instagram.

How can Facebook avoid becoming the next MySpace?

Facebook will never fail. They’re growing rapidly, destroying other social platforms.

Is Facebook dying in popularity?

Not a question to ask. Its popularity is increasing because of its features and usefulness.

How to start a social networking site and make revenue?

It is very east. Either code and build your social networking site, or choose a perfect website builder and create your own site.

What made Facebook wildly more successful than other social networking sites like Orkut and MySpace?

The reason is they built an easy-to-use social site that anyone can use, plus their marketing strategy has been brilliant.


In this post, we have explained every single thing about creating a social networking website like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

There are only advantages to having your own social media site. It will boost your 

So, when are you going to create your own social networking site?

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